Thursday, November 21, 2013

Feria del Libro Infantil

“Había una vez en el parque”
Primera Feria del Libro Infantil y Juvenil de Viña del Mar

La Primera Feria del Libro Infantil y Juvenil de Viña del Mar tiene por objetivo fomentar el interés por la lectura en niños y niñas, potenciando la creatividad y la apreciación por la literatura, los libros y la oralidad.Más de quince editoriales, talleres, obras de teatro y cuentacuentos con famosos como Jani Dueñas, Ana María Izquierdo, Koke Santana y Sergio Rodríguez (Panqueque), entre otras variadas actividades, formarán parte de "Había una vez en el parque" Primera Feria del Libro Infantil y Juvenil de Viña del Mar que se realizará desde el jueves 5 al domingo 8 de diciembre.El evento es organizado por el Museo Artequin Viña del Mar y la Municipalidad de la Ciudad Jardín a través de su Departamento de Cultura y cuenta con el financiamiento del Fondo Cultura 2% FNDR del Gobierno Regional de Valparaíso, 2013.

La feria contará con stands de venta y difusión de publicaciones para niños, exhibiciones de cuentacuentos, talleres de arte y literatura para niñas, niños y jóvenes, eventos artísticos lecturas de cuentos a cargo de destacadas personalidades, funciones de teatro, proyecciones de películas, conciertos, artes circenses, exposiciones de reproducciones de pinturas y muchas otras actividades cuya programación será dada a conocer próximamente.
"Había una vez en el parque" se realizará entre el jueves 5 y el domingo 8 de diciembre de 11:00 a 14:00 y de 15:00 a 20:00 horas, en el Parque Potrerillos, interior de la Quinta Vergara. La entrada es liberada.

Taken from

Monday, November 18, 2013

Heads of Junior - ABSCH Meeting

"El día viernes 15 de noviembre pasado se llevó a cabo en nuestro colegio la reunión de  Heads of Junior School de todos los colegios ABSCH de Chile. Fue una mañana de  intercambio académico y de experiencias escolares entre todos los colegios que pertenecemos a esta prestigiosa institución. Se aprovechó también la oportunidad para evaluar el año escolar 2013 y así también los diferentes eventos ABSCH que se han llevado a cabo este año entre todos los colegios que pertenecen a esta institución." (Evangelina Digirolamo)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Preview: Chile documentary shows the wildlife of a long country

Taken from

A team of adventurous filmmakers has made a documentary that shows the opportunities to see wildlife along Chile, from the arid regions of the Atacama Desert to the Patagonia and Antarctica, and from the high Andes to the Pacific Ocean.

Friday, September 6, 2013

ArteQuin- Viña del Mar

"Artequin Viña del Mar es un museo educativo de arte que con una metodología interactiva y lúdica, complementada con reproducciones fotográficas de pintura universal, tiene como principal objetivo acercar a los niños a la historia del arte a través de visitas guiadas y talleres. Su colección de reproducciones cuenta con 85 obras representativas de los pintores más importantes de la historia del arte universal, 12 reproducciones escultóricas de obras que abarcan desde el arte egipcio al siglo XX, además de una colección de 33 reproducciones de pintura nacional que conforman nuestras itinerancias."

A continuación, encuentra un link con actividades divertidas

Entérate de las actividades en Artequin Viña

HORARIO -- El museo está abierto de martes a domingo: martes a viernes de 09:00 a 17:30 hrs. Sábado y domingo de 11:00 a 18:00 hrs. Durante los meses de enero y febrero el museo está abierto de  martes a domingo de 11:30 a 18:30 hrs.

TARIFAS -- Entrada general $1.000. Niños (desde los 2 años), estudiantes y tercera edad $500. De martes a sábado. El día sábado la participación en el Taller Familiar no posee costo extra.

UBICACIÓN -Artequin Viña del Mar, está ubicado al interior de la Quinta Vergara, sector Parque Potrerillos, al que se accede directamente por calle Alcalde Prieto Nieto nº 500. También es posible ingresar por  la puerta principal de la Quinta Vergara, Puerta Sigall.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

How to make a Video - Workshop at The Mackay School

Last Monday, in our multimedia room in the library, Xzavian Cookbey, Student of Film in the Santa Fe University of Arts and Design, gave a workshop focused on "How to make a documentary video" using the tools available in our school.

The workshop was theoretical and practical, and 10 people participated: 8 students, Mr. Gonzalo Sherrington (Designer) and Ms. María Mercedes Yeomans (Teacher-Librarian). The topics were Lighting, Framing and Interviewing. After the instruction, students were able to practice with the cameras of The Mackay School and apply what they learnt in a practical task. Xzavian said:

"The workshop was very helpful and informative for the students. They showed that they understood and that everything was helpful, when they worked in groups to apply the few skills I had taught them in that hour together. I was very impressed with their effort as a group." "They all exhibited an interest to learn the useful skills needed in order to make this project great. Some of them had and idea of how to achieve an insightful film before entering the room, but they were willing to learn. That is the foundation to any great project."

Xzavian shared some useful videos with the students, including some of his personal work to show the B Roll technique and some framing tips.

Related Links/Links Relacionados

Friday, May 17, 2013

Little Readers

This week, 1st grades received their Library Cards in a very special activity in the Junior Area.  Boys were taught about the most important rules in the library and applied them.
  1. Read in silence or whisper if you need to ask a question or make a comment.
  2. Use one book at a time
  3. Sit to read
  4. Return books to the same place you took them from
  5. Take care of books
The library is a place for reading and studying, and we need to respect each other's concentration.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Multiple Skills

Rabbit and Turtle started talking about the race last week. Rabbit wanted to have a new opportunity to win, now he wanted to do his best effort. That is why Peter organized a new competition, but, this time, more animals were invited: Rabbit, Turtle, Giraffe and Elephant.
They were all good at different things, and they all thought they were better than the other. But at the end, they learnt that everybody is good at something different, because different people have different abilities.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Morag Styles, from the University of Cambridge, has referred to children's literature education in an interview for El Mercurio today's edition.

Being member of the International Research Society of Children´s Literature, she probably knows a lot about what it is or it is not useful for children in libraries.
Morag principal activities are research and teaching. She researches in areas related to the academic study of children's literature.
On April 13th, Styles was an exponent in the conference “Teaching English for the Future”, organized by the ABSCH (Association of British Schools in Chile).  Her subjects were:

    The power of poetry: Words and sounds.
    Reviving Shakespeare for young people.
   The potential of picture books for kids.

In the newspaper, she says that Chile needs to take advantage of the poetic potential of the country. Morag thinks that the use of this kind of material is not common because, sometimes, teachers do not feel qualified in this area. One of the steps to follow, in order to exploit our resources in poetry, is to stop believing poetry is ruled by any kind of norms. It is much more related to emotions.
Maybe that is why, she also says, classic stories, such as Cinderella, are still valid when we work with children's emotions, for example, the feeling of surprise. - MMYC

Bibliography: available on April 22nd, 2013. available on April 22nd, 2013.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Storytelling - "The Rabbit and the Turtle"

The Rabbit and the Turtle

This story was very important because we learnt that we always have to do our
We also learnt about different touristic signals on a road, for example "hotel" and "restaurant".

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Storytelling "The Greatest Treasure" - April

The Greatest Treasure

This week, boys learnt about diversity and friendship, and how all of us are important people with important characteristics. They also learnt about different landscapes and places in the city.

Any comments or suggestions, please write to

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Storytelling "Three Pigs" - April

"Three Pigs"

"Three pigs" is a very well known story which is plenty of values that are important in real life. This week, boys learnt values such as family, solidarity and effort. Bigger efforts result in better outcomes.

Any comments or suggestions, please write to

Monday, March 25, 2013

Storytelling "Dumbo" - March


 We started Storytelling Season 2013 with the amazing story of Dumbo.  Boys learnt about diversity, tolerance and friendship this week. They also learnt that CONFIDENCE is a very important factor when working on achieving an objective. 

Key Vocabulary
Nouns: eyes, nose, ears, elephant, train, circus, bird, feather.
Adjectives: small, big, scared, sad, magic, tall, happy.
Verbs: run, jump, give, fly.

Any comments or suggestions, please write to